FTW is a nonprofit organization
providing free data science and technology training for women

In the digitally transformed world, Data Science and Analytics jobs will continue to be in-demand

However, there’s still a Data Science Talent Gap

In a study done by the Philippine Institute for Developing Studies (PIDS) last 2019, higher education institutions are not producing enough graduates to fill the steadily rising need for Data Science professionals. According to the report, only 38% of the 176,597 professionals produced by Data Science programs were ready to shift to a Data Science career.

49% Mismatch Rate
on what was learned in Universities vs what is practiced in Data Science & Analytics

Only 38% are women
There is a wide disparity in female job respondent rates in Data Science & Analytics job across industries

Philippines Data Analytics Sector Labor Market Intelligence Report, 2022

To change women’s lives through intensive tech-skills training
to enable upward career mobility.



  • Insular Life Foundation

  • Lazada

  • Google

  • Accenture

  • Canva

  • Data Camp

  • Slack

  • Tableau

  • GCash

  • PLDT Smart Foundation

  • Flat Planet

The most forward-thinking companies around the world are hiring our scholars in various roles like data analyst, analytics, data scientist, data engineering and everything in between.

Are you looking for the best junior AI/Data Science talent in the country or want to learn more?

For inquries, you may email info@ftwfoundation.org.